Taxes & Assessments

Property Taxes

Taxes are always due on June 30, 2025, with penalties applied on the current amount after June 30, 2025, at the rate of 15% with exception of the property owners who are currently enrolled in the Tax Installment Payment Plan.

Property Assessment Notices

The 2025 Assessment notices have been mailed. If you have not received one, please contact the Town of Fairview Administration Office.

Assessment Information

Your property assessment is based on market value estimated as of July 1 of the previous year. Tax notices will be mailed out in May
All non-linear assessment complaints for the Town of Fairview along with the applicable fees are due by April 4, 2025. An assessment complaint must be filled out using the Government of Alberta Assessment Review Board Complaint Form (LGS1402). This form can be provided to you by the Town of Fairview office or you can download it from the Municipal Affairs website at
You may appeal the assessed value of your property, but not the tax rate.
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For information about your assessment, please contact the Town’s assessors: KCL Consulting Inc online.

Visit Website

Ways to pay your Property Taxes 

With your Customer Portal log in information, payments can be processed online 24-7. Depending on your financial institute please be aware this method of payment may require up to 7 days of processing.

Give your payment (cheque, money order, debit card, or cash) along with your tax notice to one of the reception staff at the Fairview Administration Office.

Monday – Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Closed on statutory holidays. The Town of Fairview Administration office is open through the lunch hour.

#101, 10209-109 Street (Provincial Building), Fairview, Alberta Canada, T0H 1L0

Place your payment (cheque or money order) and the bottom portion of the tax notice in an envelope and drop your payment off in the night deposit box located at the right side of the front doors of the Provincial Building, 10209 109 st Fairview.

Save time. Pay your tax notice and other bills while banking.

Note: *Payment must be received by the Town on or before the payment due date.

  • Even if you do not bank at Servus Credit Union (Official Town Bank) you can still pay in person to have payment processed immediately upon transaction. Payment can be made through most major banks or credit unions, but the payment may not be processed for 5-7 days, please validate processing times with your banking institution.

Place your payment (cheque or money order) and the bottom portion of the notice in an envelope, add postage and mail to:

Town of Fairview, PO Box 730, Fairview, AB, T0H 1L0

Note: The envelope must be clearly postmarked by Canada Post on or before the payment due date.

Pay your taxes monthly by automatic bank withdrawals or post-dated cheques using TIPP. Learn how here.

Tax Installment payment Plan (TIPP)

What is the TIPP?

The monthly tax payment plan allows taxpayers to make automatic monthly payments for taxes rather than a single annual payment.

How does TIPP work?

  • TIPP runs from January to December each year with the first payment starting January 1.
  • The first six monthly payments are based on the previous year's tax levy. As a result of increases or decreases to the annual levy, changes to installment amounts will be effective for the last six payments of the year.
  • When you initially join the TIPP program part way through the tax year, you will need to pay for the prior months upfront. For example, if you join to start on June 1, then you will need to pay the first 5 months of taxes (January to May) in a lump sum upon signing up. The remaining months will then be withdrawn automatically on a monthly basis.

Payments may only be made by automatic withdrawal from your bank account at a financial institution. A direct withdrawal form must be completed before participation in the plan. The Town of Fairview does not charge for this service.

When property taxes become due, most people find it difficult to pay their property taxes in a single large tax payment. Monthly installments divide the large payment into smaller payments to make monthly budgeting easier. Participants are not subject to late payment penalties.

You can join the plan if you meet the following requirements:

  • If your tax account is paid up to date (i.e. if joining in June, taxes for January to May of the current year must be paid plus any arrears owing)
  • If you have banking privileges at a financial institution

If you currently remit taxes with your mortgage payment, your mortgage company must agree to waive that requirement.

It's one easy step! Just contact the Town of Fairview, or visit the Town Office to set up payment to the Town of Fairview for your Property Taxes. Payments will be automatically withdrawn on the first day of each month.

You may withdraw from the plan at any time by giving written notice at least two weeks before the next payment date. At time of withdrawal, all outstanding taxes become due and are subject to penalties in accordance with the Town bylaw.

Any payment that is returned from your financial institution is subject to a service fee and may result in the termination of the plan. If termination occurs, all outstanding taxes become due and are subject to penalties in accordance with the Town bylaw.

Any account changes in terms of prepayment or payment of utility arrears that are transferred to taxes must be paid two weeks prior to the following withdrawal date.

If payments are made online, please send an email confirmation to the Tax Administrator via the contact information on this page.

If you change your bank account number, please advise the Town of Fairview by providing a new VOID cheque or filling out an online TIPP form. To allow time for administrative changes, you must notify the Town at least two weeks prior to the next payment date.

When your property is sold, participants are requested to inform the Town in writing at least two weeks in advance of the next payment. All installment payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you sell your property, we can provide your solicitor with the most recent tax levy and the total installment payments made to date in the current year.

If you have purchased a new property within the Town and wish to continue with the TIPP program, please reapply with a new TIPP form and a void cheque.

Property Tax Sale

Properties with more than 2 years outstanding tax arrears are offered for sale by the Town of Fairview, in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M-26 RSA 2000, Part 10, Division 8.

Properties that become available for Public Auction can be downloaded here.

Learn More

Other Useful Information

Your property tax notice is mailed out May of each year, and current taxes are due by the date indicated on the front of this mailed notice and are outlined in the chart below.
Tax Bill Term January 1 to December 31 Property tax bills cover the calendar year.
Tax Bill Mailing last week in May Property owners who have not received a tax bill by the second week of June can contact the Town administration office to request a copy.
Tax Due Date Last Business Day in June Property tax payment options
Penalty Calculation If current taxes are not paid on or before the tax due date, then penalties will be added as follows: After June 30 15% penalty is added to any unpaid tax bill balance.
After December 31st 15% penalty is added to any unpaid tax bill balance.

NOTE: If a complaint has been filed against the assessment, then the property taxes must still be paid by the due date to avoid penalties. If a decision results in a credit balance, a refund will be issued within 30 days.

If you have not received your property tax bill, please contact the Property Taxation Administrator. Non-receipt of your property tax bill does not exempt you from late payment penalties. All charges on a tax account are the responsibility of the registered owner of the property. When you purchase a property, adjustments for taxes are made between the vendor and purchaser.

Payment must be received by the Town on or before the payment due date. If you have not received your Tax Notice yet or need more information on your property taxes, you may contact the Property Tax Administrator.

Once the Town has set the budget, the amount required from taxes is divided by the total assessed values of all properties. This gives us a Tax Rate. The amount each property owner pays is determined by their property assessment value multiplied by this Tax Rate. Using this method, the amount required to operate the town for one year is split among all property owners in Town based on the assessed value of their property.

Property taxes are used to pay for programs and maintain services such as Protective Services, Public Works; snow removal, road, park and pathway maintenance, Community Services (Recreation Centres, Community programs, FCSS and Cultural & Historical Services).

The organizations determine the amount they require from each municipality referred to as a requisition. Once this amount is determined, the Town of Fairview follows the same process of calculating a Tax Rate and then using that Tax Rate to determine the taxes for each property. These taxes collected are not subject to control or review by the Town. Under provincial legislation, the Town is required to collect and distribute payment of these taxes on behalf of the organizations.

Notice to the owners of the mobile homes in the mobile home park Fairview Estates, your mobile home is taxable by the Town of Fairview therefore you do pay property tax to the Town of Fairview, if you do not receive a property tax notice please contact the tax department.

Applications for non-profit organizations for property tax exemptions are accepted on an annual basis.

The Town of Fairview considers applications from non-profit organizations for property tax exemptions on an annual basis. Applications are accepted by (date) each year.

Eligibility for property tax exemptions are defined by provincial legislation.

Exemption Guide

Taxation and Account Information

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